Strategic partners

You are our priority ®

A leader in real estate industry, SCHMIDT REALESTATE provides expertise in the following areas: real estate valuation, real estate sales, real estate development and property management.

SCHMIDT REALESTATE guarantees its customers high-quality, personalized services provided by real estate professionals who meet your needs on a local, regional, national and international level.

Freedom starts here ®

Specialists in the sale, purchase, lease and management of yachts, SCHMIDT YACHTING offers comprehensive and high quality services in luxury yachting with a focus on Swiss excellence and quality.

Their promise: to do everything to provide you with the experience of an exclusive lifestyle and an extraordinary adventure, in which your freedom is paramount.

An expert in continuing training, VIRGILE FORMATION is active throughout the French-speaking part of Switzerland and has extensive experience in organizing ongoing training and seminars.

Specialized in the field of accounting, finance, insurance and control, the VIRGILE FORMATION centre provides comprehensive training options as the basis for preparing for federal examinations (Finance and Accounting Specialist Federal Certificate, Expert in Accounting and Control Federal Diploma).